Tuesday, June 24, 2008

jenna lou asked me one day if i would make her look like a princess.. she ask me if i would do her hair and her make up. Ha ha i said jenna your way too young to wear make up! she said but holli i have a huge zit on my face, can i have your coverup? i just had to laugh. So I was a little scared cause i've never curled anyone else's hair before. So i just started on her hair and it kinda looked a little funny on the bottom layers.. i said to myself aaahhhh i don't know if this is gonna work! But i just kept on curling and it actually turned out really cute! I was suprised! She was so excited when she saw it! ha ha I love you jenna benna(:


laceeJ said...

Cute blog Holli! Thanks for inviting me! You're cute as ever! And HOW did you get such pretty curls on her hair?

Lisa said...

Her hair turned out super cute! I asked her about it and she said you did it- what a good sister! You're welcome to do my girl's hair any time you want! :)